BBook writer & Screenplays writer
Guy Palagi
A lifelong storyteller, Guy draws inspiration from everyday experiences. His down-to-earth approach to writing creates an authenticity that resonates profoundly with readers.

About Guy
A lifelong storyteller, Guy draws inspiration from everyday experiences. His down-to-earth approach to writing creates an authenticity that resonates profoundly with readers.
Guy’s childhood home of Montana serves as a constant muse in his writing. It was during these formative years that Guy’s love for fiction flourished, and he became enamored with novels like Catcher in the Rye, Richard Braughtigan’s Trout Fishing in America, and James Welch’s Winter in the Blood.
While attending the University of California, Santa Cruz, Guy turned his eyes to Kesey, Kerouac, Bukowski and other beat writers whose free-spirited lifestyle prompted him to hitchhike to Alaska after graduation. This epic trek would later inspire his work, Songs of Wheat and Thunder.
Eventually, Guy settled in Seattle to raise his children. He launched a house-painting business and spent his free time reading, drawing, and playing with his two kids who inspired Guy’s creative pursuits.
Guy has authored several screenplays, short stories, comic strips, and one novel. He also dabbles in poetry and children’s books.
Guy enjoys visiting with family and friends,playing soccer, supporting Manchester United, playing guitar, gardening, remodeling projects, and anything that gets him outdoors.
These days, Guy makes his home in Seattle with his fiancee, Chen Lin.